Yummy Mummy Pamper Day 2011
The Pamper Day took place at Charnos Hall, Ilkeston Community Hospital on 26th March raising a magnificent £694 for CLIC Sargent. The day was a great success and will inevitably be repeated in the future, so watch this space! This would not have happened without the incredible support of all the businesses and individuals who attended and/or made donations, including cash, cakes and raffle prizes. A huge thank you to everyone! Especially:
Amora Nail & Beauty
Alison Shearman (AVON and underwear)
Artistic Henna
Charmed Accessories
Chezney Till (Nail Art)
Gemini Retreat
Hart To You
Ruth Bayliss (Partylite)
Helen Guyatt (Phoenix Trading)
Spiritual Connections who were responsible for raising a quarter of the total !!!!!!!!
Sweet Bottoms
Caroline Godber (Temple Spa)
The Healing Touch
Tinkerbell Designs
Michelle Noble (Vie at Home)
Thomas Collighan and Holly Caines for doing a great (and noisy!) job on the raffle
Marion Gorton, Geri Richardson and friends who had a very busy time supplying everyone with some lovely home-made cakes and hot and cold drinks
Kerry Donovan for her military organisational skills and ability to extract donations from people!
All the other people who gave their time, effort and money, both directly and indirectly!
Here are a few pictures from the event. More will appear in the gallery shortly. If you have any pictures that you would like to send in, please contact Deb.

Getting busy right from the start! That's me on the left - busy as usual!

Me cutting hair